Spinny features over 0 second hand BMW X1 cars in Chandigarh, starting from Rs. 1.68 Lakh. All used BMW X1 cars on Spinny undergo a 250-point evaluation to ensure you choose from the highest quality second hand BMW X1 cars. Experience the quality and luxury of used BMW X1 with a free test drive at the Spinny Car Hub used car showroom or with a free home test drive in an environment you are familiar with. Our range of used petrol BMW X1 cars and second hand diesel X1 cars give you more options to choose from. Used BMW X1 cars under Rs. 30 lakh are readily available on Spinny, giving you an affordable way to own a BMW X1 in Chandigarh. For a hassle-free ownership experience, Spinny provides 5-day money back guarantee, free RC transfer and quick loan approvals on all Spinny Assured second hand BMW X1 cars in Chandigarh.
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