Good news for all Kia fans in India! The South Korean company is set to bring back one of its popular models back to India. The luxurious minivan, cleverly disguised with SUV-like features, is set to launch in India on October 3 this year. The Kia Carnival will initially be imported as a completely built unit, with local assembly starting soon after. According to sources, the starting price for this 7-seater beauty will be around Rs. 50-60 Lakh (ex-showroom) making it the most expensive Kia in India. The new Carnival is a significant step-up from its older version, here’s all you need to know:
- The Carnival is going to boast a 2.2-litre diesel engine.
- It’s going to have 12.3-inch dual displays, a rear-seat entertainment package, and advanced safety features like ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems).
- It has also updated its digital key with fingerprint recognition, and ambient lighting along the dashboard.
Kia Carnival 2024 Design
The Carnival is the perfect family car with a significant touch of luxury. The new Carnival receives significant updates, adopting a boxier aesthetic, compared to the more curvaceous design of the previous generation. With its refresh, the new Kia Carnival features a new grille with chrome accents, vertically stacked 4-piece LED headlights, and sleeker LED daytime running lights. The bumper has been updated too, now including new fog lamps while still housing the radar for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). Towards the side we can see a set of alloy wheels that feature a more aerodynamic design. The rear has gotten a significant revamp with vertically stacked taillight, along with a large rear window, making it look sharp and sleek.
Coming to the interiors, we have second row power VIP lounge captain seats that were designed to provide maximum comfort. The heated and ventilated seats are also a nice addition. The wide seats and impressive legroom give it a luxurious feel in all three rows. It’s dual 12.3-inch driver and infotainment displays are arranged in a panoramic setup while improving in terms of clarity and ease-of-use. The top variant of the Carnival includes dual power tilting & sliding panoramic sunroof, LED lights, and 12 high-performance Bose Premium Audio speakers.
Kia Carnival 2024 Engine:
In the international market, the Kia Carnival offers a robust 3.5-litre V6 GDI petrol engine, delivering an impressive 283 PS and 352 Nm of torque, paired with an 8-speed automatic transmission. A recent addition to the lineup is the 1.6-litre turbo-hybrid powertrain, which combines with a 54kW electric motor and a 6-speed automatic transmission, producing a combined output of 239 PS and 367 Nm of torque. This hybrid variant also features 17-inch aerodynamic wheels, Active Air Flaps in the front fascia, and paddle regenerative braking for enhanced efficiency.
For the Indian market, the 2024 Carnival is expected to retain the tried-and-tested 197 PS 2.2-litre diesel engine, offering 440 Nm of peak torque, also mated to an 8-speed automatic transmission.
Kia Carnival 2024 Price
Pricing for the new Carnival in India is anticipated to start around Rs 50 lakh (ex-showroom). This price will make it the second most expensive 7-seater car in India. While exact pricing details are yet to be revealed, it is being said that Kia will launch variants of the Carnival catering to different budgets with a variety of features to compliment each version. The carnival at the moment is a car that is providing excellent value for its price.
Kia Carnival 2024 Competitors:
The Kia Carnival is set to be one of the most premium offerings from Kia in India. In terms of design, features, and overall value, its closest rival is Toyota’s Innova Hycross. While the Hycross has often been compared to the previous generation of the Carnival, it continues to hold its ground with competitive pricing and a robust feature set.
The Innova Hycross is a compelling choice for buyers, with models priced between Rs 19 to 30.98 lakh (ex-showroom). It boasts impressive specs like a maximum power output of 183.72 PS and an engine displacement of 2.0-litre, making it a powerful and versatile vehicle. Given its balance of features and price, the Innova Hycross is a strong competitor to the Carnival, offering a value-packed alternative for those looking at high-end MPVs in the Indian market.
The new Carnival will also compete against other cars in the 50 lakh price range, like the Toyota Fortuner, Jeep Meridian, Nissan X-Trail and Skoda Kodiaq. However, as these cars are SUVs, the Carnival will exist without a competitor.
As the launch date for the Kia Carnival in India draws near, anticipation is building for what promises to be a game-changer in the luxury MPV segment. The Carnival is set to redefine family travel in India. Competing against stalwarts like the Toyota Innova Hycross, the Carnival brings a level of sophistication and innovation that sets it apart in a class of its own.
Whether you’re looking for unmatched comfort, advanced technology, or sheer power under the hood, the Carnival ticks all the boxes. Prepare to be impressed when it hits Indian roads this October.